Immersion Room Dreams
Imagine being able to put yourself into any location at the touch of a button.
Our immersive projection rooms allow the user to envelop themselves within a real-time visual and auditory experience.
Rooms feature wall-to-wall projection, to fill the horizontal visual plane. Floors and ceilings can also be projection-mapped for a truly enveloping 360 degree experience.

You’re in control
Users choose interactive environmental scenes using a bespoke controller. Rolling green hills, sun-dappled woodland, warm beaches, deep caves, stunning mountain tops and wide savannahs are all available on demand.
Thanks to real time environment rendering software, users can modify scenes further, adding environmental elements such as gentle rain, peaceful snow and dramatic thunder. Even the time of day is changeable via a simple slider. Night becomes dawn, becomes day, becomes dusk to suit your mood.

Audio design is comprehensive and includes ambient soundscapes to suit, played back via a discreet PA system. Music and sound effects are optional; gentle waves, the sound of a stirring breeze or birdsong can be cued as desired.
If you’d like to know more, Contact Us.
Top Photo Credit: Akos Szabo